Thursday, January 28, 2010


Happy new year to me! I woke up about 2:00 and got ready to go. I walked down to the Danish place, this time they had me talk to the office guy. He told me it was the fire wall that was keeping me from getting online. It took forever to get it all set up but finally I got it. Somehow I froze my iTunes so I tried to re-download it, but before I could get it one of the waitresses came by and told me that it was five o’clock and it was going to be strictly a restaurant. This meant we all had to put our laptops away no more internet cafĂ© that day. I left there and just walked around, and made my way down to my shop.

I feel a whole new kind of lonely here. I am trying to figure out how to describe it.

Work is interesting, what happens is you get to the shop and the day shift gives you a rundown of what is parked inside. Usually there is a folder for each truck; the folder has a list that the Quality guy made, or the Technical Inspection. The TI is all the things that need to be fixed. Maybe it’s that a fire extinguisher needs to be installed or maybe the engine is leaking. The thing about trying to fix stuff over here is that there are no parts, and if you try to order something it will take at least two months. So you have to make sure that the part you need is in your hand before you actually start working on it. Because if you start tearing a truck a part and then can’t put it back together it has to sit in the shop. These things are the sizes of dump trucks so the shop would fill up really quick if you had that happen very often.

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